Mon - Fri : 08:00 - 6:00
(787) 758-7700

Outplacement & Employee Support

During a termination, reduction in force or a closing process individuals and organizations are subject to different types of stress and pressures. This process not only impacts individuals but often affects the culture and health of the organization.

Our Services will help meet individuals and organizational needs by:

  • Providing psychological support, training and marketing tools to assist employees in their efforts to find a new job or initiate their lives as self-employed individuals
  • Assisting customer’s management and employees to maintain a high quality of work life during the reduction in force process
  • Supporting the HR functions to serve as facilitators, internal consultants and help agents
    Individual and mass marketing of participants

Our Services

A full service HR Consulting Company, our focus is to help you find organizational performance to ensure your business is successfully utilizing the human resources in the organization.

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